Take two minutes out of your busy schedule right now, hook up your earbuds, and watch this video.
It’s what we do!

Many athletes, especially younger athletes in their mid-teens to mid-20’s, don’t know what they don’t know. When asked about health and wellness, one often hears “eat right, drink lots of fluid, work out, get sleep.” But there’s more to well-being than just mechanics. Mention massage therapy or treating soft tissue conditions and their eyes glaze over! They think tape it, cut it, drug it, or ice it – but not other treatments available.

Athletes and active people, young and old alike, are seldom introduced to professional manual soft tissue therapy, which is sometimes called sport, clinical, orthopedic, or corrective massage therapy. We can blame many reasons including our healthcare (sick care) system, the stigma of massage therapy from decades ago, and society for making touch a taboo. Today, professional manual soft tissue therapy is different.

After an exhaustive workout, a serious competition, or a tough day dealing with an injury, imagine what 30, 60, or 90 minutes of work on your muscles would feel like. Most say “Awesome!”

Give it a try. Book a session now.