It’s What We Do.

It’s What We Do.

Take two minutes out of your busy schedule right now, hook up your earbuds, and watch this video. It’s what we do! Many athletes, especially younger athletes in their...
Flushing Toxins, A Massage Myth

Flushing Toxins, A Massage Myth

Flushing Toxins – A Massage Myth The world of massage therapy is overwhelmed by many myths and anecdotal evidence suggesting benefits of massage which are just not true. From flushing toxins to moving cranial bones, massage therapy, is still in its scientific...
Six-Days of Real Anatomy Study

Six-Days of Real Anatomy Study

The world of Massage Therapy is full of old-wives’ tales, health claims which are not true, and modalities which have no science behind them. When I entered this world of manual soft tissue therapy (yes, I hate the term “massage”), I did so from the clinical/medical...
End of the RICE Age

End of the RICE Age

We’ve all heard it before when we’ve twisted an ankle or banged a knee: RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It’s an outdated recipe for treating injuries (so says the inventor of the treatment and acronym). Unless there is something broken or bleeding,...
Massage? I Feel Great, Why Now?

Massage? I Feel Great, Why Now?

I had an interesting question posed the other day.  “I’m an athlete and I feel great, so why should I get a sport/corrective massage now?” The answer is simple:  Muscle memory ( a.k.a. tissue training) Consider corrective/orthopedic massage as another form of...
On the Road with Teen Athletes!

On the Road with Teen Athletes!

From the Sidelines. I spend a lot of time on weekends and some weekday evenings standing on the sidelines of youth sport venues in my ever-classy (sic) Emergency Medical Technician uniform, ready to help with all sorts of medical issues – both pre-existing and those...