End of the RICE Age

End of the RICE Age

We’ve all heard it before when we’ve twisted an ankle or banged a knee: RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It’s an outdated recipe for treating injuries (so says the inventor of the treatment and acronym). Unless there is something broken or bleeding,...
Massage? I Feel Great, Why Now?

Massage? I Feel Great, Why Now?

I had an interesting question posed the other day.  “I’m an athlete and I feel great, so why should I get a sport/corrective massage now?” The answer is simple:  Muscle memory ( a.k.a. tissue training) Consider corrective/orthopedic massage as another form of...
On the Road with Teen Athletes!

On the Road with Teen Athletes!

From the Sidelines. I spend a lot of time on weekends and some weekday evenings standing on the sidelines of youth sport venues in my ever-classy (sic) Emergency Medical Technician uniform, ready to help with all sorts of medical issues – both pre-existing and those...