Frequently Asked Questions
General Information
Is it true you have clinics in Minneapolis and Miami?
Our Edina, MN address is:
Our St. Paul, MN address is:
Our Coral Gables, FL address is:
What are your hours?
Our online booking system allows you to reserve a time and change your appointment.
Appointments must be made or changed at least 24 hours in advance.
How do I set up an initial Free Consultation?
We will get back with you to schedule your consultation appointment at a time convenient for you.
EMSCULPT NEO® Treatment Session Information
Are EMSCULPT NEO treatments available in both Minnesota and Florida?
How long are the EMSCULPT NEO® treatment sessions?
EMSCULPT NEO® treatments are recommended by the manufacturer to be 30-minutes each treatment. Therefore, plan to be in our clinic for one-hour to give time for preparation and finish-up. You will likely be done in a little less than an hour.
How are the EMSCULPT NEO® treatments priced?
EMSCULPT NEO® treatments are sold in packages of 4, 6, or 8-treatments. We also offer a one-year membership/subscription where you can pay monthly to receive a treatment at 1, 2, or 3-month intervals. Pricing for the treatment packages and subscription/membership is provided at your initial Free consultation.
What areas of the body can be treated with EMSCULPT NEO®?
EMSCULPT NEO® is great for shaping up and building up the following areas:
Can I use Manual Lymphatic Drainage massages to help with my EMSCULPT NEO® recover?
Are EMSCULPT NEO® treatments covered by my health insurance?
We can accept payment through your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) if your program allows such expenses. Be sure to bring your card.
We also offer financing and packages. Ask your specialist about these options.
What is your cancellation policy?
Cancellations within 24-hours of your scheduled time may incur a fee up to the total amount of the visit.
We understand life happens, so let us know as far in advance as possible when you need to change your appointment.
Do you work with Women? Men? Others?
Likewise, we expect you will be open and honest with us regarding your health, surgeries, medications, lifestyle, etc. so we can partner with you for the best possible treatment.
Why do you need my medical history?
As a clinical manual soft tissue provider we may ask you about things which you normally would not expect at a personal services massage parlor or spa. In our clinic, there are no subjects which are taboo and all of our questions are purely for medical reasons related to your treatment and well-being.
Likewise, we expect you will be open and honest with us regarding your health, surgeries, medications, lifestyle, etc. so we can partner with you for the best possible treatment.
I am planning a medical procedure; should I tell you?
Manual Soft Tissue Treatment Session Information
How long are your sessions?
Visits can range from 30-minutes to 90-minutes, depending on your specific treatment plan.
How are your treatment sessions priced?
Your first visit will often be the most expensive and includes pre-treatment research on your issue, intake process, first treatment (on the table), creation of your individualized treatment plan, post-treatment discussion. Subsequent visits will cost less, and treatment times will vary.
For your convenience, we price our visits as all-inclusive, so we don’t charge by the minute like other therapists or spas.
Our prices are shown in our booking pages.
What modalities do you offer?
Based on your goals and assessment, your treatment may include myofascial release (MFR), neuromuscular therapy (NMT), trigger point therapy, manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), post-surgical manual lymphatic drainage (PS-MLD), lymphadema decongestive therapy, bandaging, cupping, hydrotherapy, BioFreeze or China Gel treatment, FAKTR (Graston-like), stretching, posture analysis, or other therapeutic work at our discretion.
Are treatments covered by my health insurance?
However, the treatments you receive are clinical and therapeutic so they may be reimbursable from your insurance company. You will need to validate this with your insurance company. Often, a physician’s prescription for Clinical Massage Therapy helps justify your request to your insurance company.
We do not bill health insurance companies directly. We can accept payment through your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA). Be sure to bring your card.
For auto accident injuries, we can work with your health care provider (MD, DO, DC, DPT) to bill your auto insurance directly. You are still responsible for any payment should the auto insurance company deny payment.
What is your cancellation policy?
Cancellations within 24-hours of your scheduled time may incur a fee up to the total amount of the visit.
We understand life happens, so let us know as far in advance as possible when you need to change your appointment.
What age ranges do you work with?
Do you work with Women? Men? Others?
Likewise, we expect you will be open and honest with us regarding your health, surgeries, medications, lifestyle, etc. so we can partner with you for the best possible treatment.
Why do you need my medical history?
As a clinical manual soft tissue provider we may ask you about things which you normally would not expect at a personal services massage parlor or spa. In our clinic, there are no subjects which are taboo and all of our questions are purely for medical reasons related to your treatment and well-being.
Likewise, we expect you will be open and honest with us regarding your health, surgeries, medications, lifestyle, etc. so we can partner with you for the best possible treatment.
I am planning a medical procedure; should I tell you?
Benefits of Manual Soft Tissue Therapy
What are the benefits of manual soft tissue therapy?
Soft tissue therapy is also known to promote better sleep, improve concentration (ACT/SAT exam anyone?), reduce anxiety and create an overall sense of well-being.
Interestingly, athletes competing in events and those that are training intensely have indicated a much faster return-to-play when a recovery massage was received 24-48 hours after the activity.
I am a student athlete; can your work help me during training?
If you are under 18-years old, we do need to have your parent or guardian get you signed up. Then at your first visit they will need to fill out a consent form.
What will my treatment plan look like during my training or off-season time?
We will discuss your visit frequency at the first session, then evaluate the visit frequency occasionally as your body adapts to the rigor and endurance of your activities. During the off-season, the frequency of visits may be reduced if training intensity is also reduced.
How early should I arrive before my appointment time?
We respect your time and want to give you a few minutes to simply gather your wits in preparation for the treatment session. A phrase we like is: If you arrive 10-minutes early, you are actually on time and if you arrive at the appointment time, you are actually late!
Must I be completely undressed?
You will be properly and professionally covered (draped) during the entire session and, if at any time you feel uncomfortable about the session, draping, or work being performed, simply tell us and we will adapt the session to ensure your comfort.
For our younger clients (14 years old and younger) we will work around their loose-fitting clothing while on the table. We recommend boys and girls wear typical gym-style work-out gear (brief-style underwear, mid-thigh shorts, and t-shirt).
Avoid compression-style clothing. Boys should avoid compression shorts/shirts and girls should avoid leggings/sports bras (halter/back clasp bras work best if available). Save the compression wear for training and competition, this is a time to be comfortable and relaxed!
We do not require any special clothing style for clients who are 15 years old and above. If new to manual soft tissue therapy, we will explain how the session works, levels of undress, and how they are covered. They may choose to wear the same style clothing as described above and decide their own level of comfort while on the table.
Again, this is a time for you to feel safe and comfortable while receiving treatment for aches, pains, soreness or just general wellbeing.
Will the practitioner be present when I disrobe?
Will I be covered during the session?
What parts of my body will be treated?
In other cases, treatment may be performed on multiple areas. You and your therapist will customize each session to address your current goals and concerns.
What will the manual soft tissue therapy feel like?
As far as feel, some treatments such as manual lymph drainage use a very light touch and a rhythmic motion in a specific sequence. Other treatments will be a little firmer, pushing and gliding on the tissue, sometimes shallow, sometimes with more pressure. More firm pressure may cause some minor pain, but always within your tolerance levels.
We do not agree that massage therapy MUST hurt to be effective. That is false. Very seldom would you ever be bruised the next day.
If you have never received a massage session of any type in the past, we will take time to describe and demonstrate (usually on your arm) what we do. It is your session, so we will do all we can to help you feel safe and relaxed during the treatment.
What should I do during the treatment session?
The practitioner will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughout the session (such as lifting your arm). In most sessions, you will communicate with your therapist as they are working on your areas of concern.
If you are receiving therapy for a mind-body condition such as anxiety, stress, or depression, the therapist may work in silence. At any time, if you have any questions regarding the session or about the particular technique you are receiving, feel free to ask.
How will I feel after the session?
May I just drop off my child and pick him/her up later?
If your child is 15 years old or older and they are ok being on site alone, then yes, you may leave and come back at least 10-minutes before the treatment session ends. When returning, please come into the clinic and have a seat in the waiting area. Once the session is complete, we can have a brief conversation about our findings and recommended follow-up plans.
Leaving your student on site is a privilege which may be revoked solely at our discretion, regardless of age. We also care for the safety of your child and cannot let them wait outside, come out to meet you in the parking lot, or hop a ride with another person or friend unless they arrived at the clinic on their own (bike or car).
Are there any medical conditions which would make bodywork inadvisable?
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Does RTPI offer Manual Lymphatic Drainage for post-surgical recovery?
Yes. We provide manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) for pre-surgical, post-surgical, and oncology needs as well as general health and wellness. Similar to all of our clinical modalities, certain therapists are well-trained in the MLD procedures for different conditions and recovery.
For general health and wellness, all of our MLD trained therapists provide excellent care. For pre-surgical, post-surgical, and oncology treatments, clients are only paired with therapists properly trained to care for the specific condition.
What areas of the body are treated during a post-surgical MLD session?
Post-surgical manual lymphatic drainage treatments at RTPI are specifically tailored to the post-surgical needs of the client. The treatments are gentle and based on the Vodder techniques. We do not open incisions in any way. We do not “squeeze” fluid or tissue out incisions.
The body’s reaction to surgery is typically swelling in the affected and adjacent areas. For example, a lipo-360 or abdominoplasty procedure may cause swelling in the abdomen, thighs, hips, low back, and even possibly calves. This means MLD techniques would be used in the surgical and non-surgical areas to help reduce swelling and promote healing. Plus, gentle mobilization of the superficial scar may be provided to help prevent tightness and pulling in the underlying tissue as the incision heals.
Appropriate to the surgery received, our MLD treatment is performed on the areas of the body most affected. This could include areas around and on breast tissue, the lower abdomen, the suprapubic region (at the pubic bone), in the armpit areas, around the glutes, at the upper thighs and in the crease of the leg (inguinal area). We do not touch or work on the genitals or the vulvar area.
For pre-surgical, post-surgical, and oncology treatments, clients are only paired with therapists properly trained and able to care for the specific condition.
How soon can I get MLD treatments after surgery?
Typically we welcome new clients between 2-10 days post-op, depending on the surgical procedure performed and how the client is feeling after surgery.
My Doctor Told Me MLD Does Not Help.
Well, just like any other medical (or alternative) treatment some medical practitioners recommend certain treatments over others. Several decades ago, it was thought patients needed to completely rest for 4-6 weeks after injuries or surgeries. Today, most medical professionals will tell you to get up and move (walk) as soon as a few days post-procedure, as part of the recovery.
Similarly, manual lymphatic drainage has medical practitioners who have recognized the research results and benefits of treatment, and those who have not yet discovered it. In some cases, medical practitioners are not comfortable recommending MLD because they have not had a chance to learn how and why it works or they have seen bad results from poorly-trained massage practitioners.
At RTPI, we are happy to speak with any medical practitioner who would like to learn what we do, how we do it, and what we see for results post-surgically.
Who may I talk to about other questions or concerns?
Anyone is welcome to call or text our main number (763-270-9330) and ask to speak to the Chief Myotherapist (Kevin). He has extensive training in all the therapies offered at the RTPI clinics and is responsible for the training of the therapists who work there.
Full Chest Manual Soft Tissue Therapy
Does RTPI offer a complete therapy on the chest or only upper chest?
As a therapeutic manual soft tissue therapy clinic, select therapists are trained in, and do offer, full chest and breast manual soft tissue therapy for any gender, as part of a health, wellness, and/or recovery therapy. This is an optional, therapeutic, non-sexual modality which can be included in almost any of our appointments.
While this treatment may not be suitable for everyone, those who wish a more holistic and complete therapy. Humans who are suffering from upper back, neck, shoulders, rib cage, diaphragm, breast, and chest pains or tightness may find the full chest therapy very effective.
This modality may require execution of a separate consent/waiver before each appointment.
Why would I want/need full chest therapy at my appointment?
There are many reasons why a client may want to select a full chest manual soft tissue therapy as part of their regular session.
Here are the first 19-reasons we could come up with while writing this FAQ:
• Athletes who run in their sport and need better breathing performance.
• Forward head and shoulder posture
• Upper, mid and/or low back pain
• Breathing issues including shallowness and heaviness (without medical restrictions)
• Younger humans with developmental issues, hormonal issues, or growing pains
• Asthmatics, people with seasonal allergies, COPD
• Women with large, heavy breasts experiencing back pain
• Humans who have a shoulders-forward posture from working at a desk all day.
• Pain during binding and/or after top surgery (once fully healed)
• Chest pain from menstruation or menopause
• Prenatal or postnatal chest heaviness
• Weightlifters and boxers who are seeking better upper body performance
• Moms with difficulties breastfeeding
• Pain after augmentation or reduction or liposuction to the chest (after fully healed)
• Diaphragm tension or people who find it difficult to breathe deeply
• Post-cancer surgical issues related to mastectomy, reconstruction, enhancement, reduction, radiation
• Scar tissue work surgical procedures on the front of the body, including heart surgery
• People experiencing pain or tenderness in the chest (without medical restriction)
• Any human who wants to feel better, recover quicker, and return to play faster.
Can anyone receive full chest treatments?
Yes! We consider our clinic to be a safe place for humans of all ages and genders.
This treatment is safe and effective for anyone. For medical and health reasons there are no restrictions due to gender, age, or any other demographic label.
Minors must have parental consent (just like all our manual soft tissue treatments) and must consent themselves to the treatment.
What if I ask for full chest therapy and then change my mind at the last minute?
You may change your mind at any time, up to and include while the work is being done. Based on your condition when you arrive, we may even suggest you don’t need the work at this time.
Clients are ALWAYS in control of consenting to the work being done during our sessions. Clients should never be afraid or intimidated to speak up with any questions or concerns!
Every client is in control of their session at all times.
How does a full chest treatment feel?
This treatment often feels slightly lighter in pressure than work on the back or legs. Of course, at all times, if the pressure is too much or too little, please let your therapist know.
For all genders, the front of the body can hold tenderness, especially since these areas are often skipped or ignored. Clients have described the treatment as “feeling complete and providing a great openness to the chest and front of the body.”
While the work is being done, clients often tell us it feels almost the same as work on the back irrespective of the anatomy concerns. Clients often say it “does not feel sexual in any way.”
Once off the table, clients mention they feel “liberated, complete, and normalized” and often wonder why they have not sought out this treatment before.
Do RTPI therapist receive special training to perform this work?
Yes! Each therapist must receive specific, specialized training before being allowed to perform this treatment (and many other treatments) in our clinic. Each therapist must also experience this work as a client, so they understand how it feels.
Training received includes specific topics in etiquette, anatomy and physiology of the tissue, specific treatment protocols and touch, communications, draping, and more. For questions on RTPI’s training, please ask to speak with the Chief Myotherapist.
May I request a male or female therapist to perform this work?
For your first visit or two, we strongly discourage clients from requesting a specific gender therapist so we can evaluate your condition and select the therapist with the skills and training necessary to treat you best. Our therapists are professional, non-judgmental, and trained to work on ANY human, not just male or female.
After coming to see us for a few sessions, if you have a preferred therapist, we can always try to keep you on their calendar.
How will I be draped during this part of the treatment session?
For the full chest therapy session, there are two draping methods used. During first part of the treatment, something called “plank draping” is used. Plank draping has the top blanket folded up on the lower half of the body to cover the pubic area down to the toes. The sheet is folded up on the sides of the torso (still covering the chest and belly) from the shoulders to about the lower hip area on each side exposing the sides of the torso.
During the second part of the treatment, the sheet will be folded at the lower abdomen near the pubic bone, toward the feet, to provide full access to the front of the torso including the chest and belly.
For all clients, genitals will always be covered.
May I receive full chest work for post-surgical recovery or during cancer treatment?
Generally, no. We have other comprehensive protocols for post-surgical recovery and oncology clients. These are different depending on your treatments, condition, and surgery procedure. After things are healed (usually 12-weeks), then yes, you may have this treatment performed.
Can I receive this treatment if I have had an augmentation or reduction or top-surgery?
Yes, provided you are fully healed (at least 12-weeks after) and have no complications or medical issues in the area. If you are already seeing us for post-surgery recovery, we will let you know when it would be appropriate to have full chest work done as a therapy.
Will I be cold while receiving this work?
We will have the table warmer on to help you stay warm and cozy during your session – just as if you were laying on your belly and we were working on your full back.
If you know you are often chilled, please talk with your therapist and they can work magic with extra blankets and possibly even a warm towel. We want you to be comfortable, so please mention this before you get into the room.
Who can I talk to about other questions or concerns I may have?
Anyone is welcome to call or text our main number (763-270-9330) and ask to speak to the Chief Myotherapist (Kevin). He has extensive training in all the therapies offered at the clinics and is responsible for the training of the therapists who work there.
One last question ... is this treatment for males, or females, or trans, or whom, exactly??
Our full chest manual soft tissue therapy is for humans, not genders. Our clinic is a safe place and anyone can receive this therapy.
Allow us to rant for a second …
Society of the past has given advantage to those presenting as male in the manual soft tissue therapy (massage) world by allowing only males access to anterior torso therapy. Restricting access to full chest (and yes, breast) work in a professional, therapeutic, and non-sexual manner – especially in the United States of America – has put massage therapists in a discriminatory position.
As society continues to validate and support the existence of non-binary genders and equal access to health and wellness, we believe this treatment is vital and appropriate for any gender and any age human. We must begin normalizing healthcare and removing the giddiness others show to physical body differences.
If gender discrimination is against the law then offering full chest manual soft tissue therapy to only those presenting as male would essentially be — illegal. Instead, at RTPI, we choose equality. You are safe on our table.
Why is this FAQ so long?
However, if you have a question which has not been answered here, please let us know. We can always make this page longer!
Why do you call your treatments manual soft tissue therapy?
Today, massage is defined by the English Oxford Dictionary as, “rubbing and kneading of muscles and joints…”. And, in common language, massage is usually associated with a fluff and buff treatment at a spa. That’s just not us! Plus, we do a heck of a lot more than rub and knead!
What does your Waiver, and Terms and Conditions state?
— I understand the massage therapy given here is for general health and wellness purposes, including stress reduction, relief from muscular tension or spasm, the promotion of circulation, lymph activity, post-surgical recovery, and flexibility.
— I understand RTPI provides internships for pre-graduate massage therapy students who are currently enrolled in an accredited massage therapy program at a properly licensed educational institute. Interns are placed into regular shift rotations and, while performing manual soft tissue therapy and bodywork on clients, are supervised and assisted by the RTPI Chief Myotherapist. Interns are only allowed to work on those issues for which they have been trained. I understand I may request to opt out of having a student intern work on me.
— If I experience pain or discomfort during the session, I will immediately inform my therapist so that pressure/strokes can be adjusted to my level of comfort. I will not hold my therapist responsible for any pain or discomfort I experience during or after the session.
— I understand that the services offered today are not a substitute for medical care. I understand massage therapists do not diagnose illness, disease, or any other physical or mental disorder, do not prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals, nor do they perform any spinal manipulations.
— I understand I should see a doctor or other appropriate health care provider for diagnosis and treatment of any suspected medical problem.
— Return to Play Institute, LLC is an advanced myotherapy clinic (advanced massage therapy) and is considered “other healthcare” not “personal services.” As an Institute, from time to time, I may be asked to participate in studies or to have other RTPI clinical therapists observe and/or participate in my treatment session with supervision by the Chief Clinical Therapist. I understand I have the right to opt out of either case when asked.
— I also understand that it is my responsibility to inform the massage therapist of any existing medical conditions I may have, and keep the massage therapist informed of any changes in my health and medications in the future. I affirm that I have notified my therapist of all known medical conditions and injuries.
— I agree to inform the therapist of any changes in my health and medical condition. I understand that there shall be no liability on the therapist’s part should I forget to do so.
— I understand that massage is entirely therapeutic and non-sexual in nature and a massage therapist will never touch genitals, or any other areas I instruct them not to touch.
— I understand that, regardless of gender, if I am scheduling an Oncology Massage, Scar Tissue Work, Post-Surgical MLD, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) appointment or requesting a Full Chest and Breast add-on to a session, the therapist may be working near, around, or directly on breast tissue including the areola if necessary. I understand my chest may be exposed for purposes of the treatment. The work performed will be to improving healing, enabling more flexibility, and/or necessary proper treatment of the client condition based on their intake. If I am not comfortable with the work, at any time, I can request the therapist to not work in certain areas.
— I understand the therapists may inform and discuss body functions, areas of concern, specific conditions associated with my treatment, and expectations of what to expect before, during, and after the treatment in the interest of helping me recover, heal, and feel better. In no way are these statements to be taken as medical direction. I understand I will consult with my licensed treating medical provider as needed prior to changing/adding my medication or recovery directives.
— I understand that potential risks of massage include: mild, short term muscle soreness due to movement of irritating metabolic wastes; mild surface level bruising.
— I understand I have the right to refuse massage therapy treatment at any time during the session.
— I understand cell phones, recording equipment including audio and video may not be used during the treatment session unless approved by the therapist.
— I understand that I may be refused treatment if I appear obviously intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
— CANCELLATION/NO-SHOW Policy: I understand if I do not show up for my scheduled appointment, If I cancel, or if I reschedule my appointment within 24-hours of the scheduled time, I will be liable for full payment, in which case, I authorize my card on file to be charged accordingly, or I agree to pay the amount due at my next appointment if no card is on file.
— By signing this release, I hereby waive and release my therapist from any and all liability, past, present, and future relating to massage therapy and bodywork received at RTPI.
— Consent for Treatment: I authorize the performance of manual soft tissue therapy, post-surgical MLD, massage therapy and other techniques and procedures and I understand that I will receive them from a properly trained, certified massage therapist and/or under the direct supervision of the Chief Clinical Therapist.
Why was RTPI created?
For the last decade, our Chief Therapist spent numerous weekend days standing on the sideline of youth sporting events, marathons, high school competitions, and even triathlons, as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) helping the athletes when they needed it. But there, he says, he could only help them with emergent issues – bleeding, dislocations, sprains, strains.
If you get to know our Chief Therapist, you will soon recognize he always wants to do more to help people (high school, collegiate, and adult) recover and be healthy. After researching options for more education and certifications, he found the best clinical school in the metro area, signed up two days before the first trimester began and never looked back. More than 1,200 hours later, he had his third college degree.
He has a passion to learn and attends between 50 and 100 hours of continuing education each year to stay up on the latest research and new techniques such as lymphedema, post-surgical care, wound management, cupping, hydrotherapy, kinesiology, and more to improve his knowledge on all aspects of manual soft tissue therapy and care.
RTPI was created specifically to provide manual soft tissue therapy treatments to those who have a desire to feel better at what they do, recover quicker from trauma and injury, and return to play in their activity faster.
What education does the Chief Therapist have?
Our Chief Therapist is a Nationally Registered Emergency Medical Technician (NREMT), has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay, a Master of Science degree (4.0 GPA) from Aspen University in Colorado, and an Associates of Applied Sciences degree (suma cum laude, 4.0 GPA) from Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington, MN. As if he is not busy enough, he is also considering seeking a doctorate degree in the future.
He is Board Certified Therapist in Massage and Bodywork (BCTMB) through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) and is a licensed massage therapist (LMT) through the Florida Department of Health (lic #MA104013).
Along with accredited-degree programs, the Chief Therapist hold certifications and course completions in a variety of manual soft tissue therapy modalities including: Neuromuscular Therapy (CNMT), Oncology Massage, Decongestive Therapy (CDT), Manual Lymphatic Drainage (CMLD), Maternity Massage, Post-Surgical Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Scar Tissue Recovery, Orthopedic Sports Massage, and more.